Buy this camera only if are upgrading from a point and shoot one,or if you own a DSLR which is older than the Nikon D3000 (and other Canon equivalents).
Buying your first camera?
Make it this one.

The Nikon D3200 is a great intermediate level dslr shooter's companion, it has a 24MP Sensor, but most photographers know that the megapixels don't matter much, its the sensor that does, the Nikon D3100 on the other hand is a camera aimed towards beginners looking to get into DSLR photography, in my opinion it is a better buy, and for 4-5000 rupees more, all your really getting is (in terms of specifications) a bump in megapixels and a microphone input port, in conclusion, I can still recommend the Nikon D3200, but really to a specific crowd rather than the slighter larger majority which would be better off with the D3100. :)